

The 7 Best Practices For Dental and Oral Health

Oral hygiene is an essential part of our daily routine. We all know the basics of brushing twice a day and flossing regularly, but there are some oral hygiene rules that we may not even realize we’re breaking. These rules can impact our dental health and even lead to long-term issues.

Our dentists at Dentoral Studio in Lahore provide a range of dental services to help you maintain excellent oral health. Our dental specialists have created a guide to help you remember important oral hygiene practices and avoid harmful habits that could compromise oral health. In this article, we will discuss the most common oral hygiene mistakes and how to avoid them.

Rule 1: Not Brushing for Long Enough

Most of us brush our teeth twice daily, but do we brush for long enough? The recommended time for brushing is two minutes, but studies have shown that most people brush for less than a minute. To ensure you are brushing for long enough, set a two-minute timer or listen to a song. It’s also important to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces.

Rule 2: Floss and brush your teeth every day

Although it may seem simple, many individuals fail to take daily steps to protect their oral health. Shockingly, a recent study revealed that most people do not floss, with only 30% admitting to flossing daily, over 37% flossing occasionally, and almost a third of individuals admitting to never flossing at all.
To maintain good oral health, brushing and flossing your teeth daily is important. Brushing at least twice daily can prevent plaque buildup and tartar, leading to cavities. Flossing daily is also essential as it removes food particles from hard-to-reach places between your teeth.

Rule 3: Be careful not to brush too hard

Brushing your teeth daily isn’t enough; you may be causing harm if you use too much force. Brushing your teeth too harshly or with a toothbrush with hard bristles can damage your gums and even the protective enamel of your teeth.
According to the American Dental Association (ADA), it’s best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and follow the correct brushing technique. This involves using small, circular motions and avoiding aggressive back-and-forth motions.
If you need help with perfecting your brushing technique, don’t hesitate to ask your Best Dental Clinic in Lahore, Dentoral Studio provider during your next visit for guidance.

Rule 4: Rinse your mouth out after flossing

Flossing is crucial to maintaining good oral health because brushing only cleans about 60% of your teeth surfaces. However, many individuals neglect to follow an equally important oral hygiene practice: rinsing after flossing.
After flossing, it’s crucial to rinse your mouth thoroughly to eliminate any bacteria or debris that may have been dislodged. For an additional layer of protection, use an antimicrobial mouthwash that includes fluoride. This will help to reduce harmful bacteria further and strengthen your teeth.

Rule 5: Avoid putting anything in your mouth that harms oral health

Although it may seem common, many individuals disregard this rule daily. From consuming foods high in simple starches, sugar, or acids to smoking cigarettes or biting on their nails and ice cubes, people struggle to avoid putting things in their mouths that can harm their oral health.
It’s crucial to prioritize consuming foods and beverages that promote good oral health instead. Opt for snacking on fruits and crunchy vegetables, and quench your thirst with water or unsweetened drinks. Additionally, limit sugary treats and highly acidic foods such as citrus fruits and coffee.

Rule 6: Regularly visit your dentist near me

It is recommended that individuals visit a dental clinic at least twice a year, at six-month intervals, for professional cleaning and dental examination. During your cleaning, your provider will remove plaque and hardened tartar from your teeth, reducing the risk of cavities. Regular checkups enable your Dental Professionals to check for signs of cavities, gum disease, oral cancers, and other oral health issues. Dental X-rays may also be used to identify any underlying problems.

Rule 7: Replace sugary beverages with water

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the primary source of added sugars in the typical diet. Consuming soda, juice, or other sugary drinks can increase the risk of cavities.
The American Dental Association suggests drinking water or unsweetened tea throughout the day and limiting consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks to mealtimes and in small amounts.


It is never too late to start a good habit. Make an appointment with a professional at Dentoral Studio in Lahore, over the phone or online to receive more information on maintaining good oral health or to schedule your next dental checkup.

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